Tuesday, June 14, 2011

maybe it is time to say goodbye

I am thinking of abandoning this blog endeavor. It has been a good run. But, damn, I barely have time to think let alone string sentences together or post funny pictures about our life.

I am thinking on it...

You know all day long at work I write and write and talk to people on the phone and write some more and talk to more people and read letters from people in prison and talk to more people and then read some more and so on and so on.

By the time I get home, the letters that make up whole words look like trucks veering off the freeway directly into my eyes.

While I decide what to do about this blog, here's a picture of Willa sitting on a bench at the Postal Museum in DC.

I love her so much...


eeny meeny said...

I know what you mean about having little creative energy after work and family. It's been a pleasure to read your writing, so thank you for that.

Matilda said...

I do understand, but I will miss you so much. I don't know how long I've been reading your blog - 2-3 years I guess - and I can't seem to finde one that is more... queer...? critical...? So many of the other lesbians-TTCig-blogs are still kind of square. I hope what I here write makes sense (english isn't my language).

Nicole said...

De-lurking (sort of) after 2+ years of following your blog. I'll echo Matilda in saying that your writing is unique in ringing bells of recognition for me. Many many thanks for writing, and the warmest of wishes for you and your beautiful family.

Jen said...

From another lurker: I'd be really sad to see you go. Your writing is beautiful, thoughtful, and queer in the very best way....hope you'll still make an appearance every now and then, when time and trucks permit. :)

Anonymous said...

The other day I met a woman while standing in line to buy Gillian Welch tickets and we were talking about the difference between people from Michigan and people from Wisconsin. She described Michiganders as "introspective and earthy" and I said, "It's so funny you should say that," and told her all about your blog. I second queer and critical, and I'll add mystical, alive and gracious. Please don't go, girl.

la_sale_bete said...

Yeah, like everyone else, I have to say that I will really miss your blog if you end up deciding to stop writing here. Your writing and your tales are great, and I think it's really awesome that you share them. But I also get that it might take time and energy away from other things you would like to do.

jay said...

God, she is CUTE!! I understand too, but would be sad too. You need to do what's best for you, however xx

Anonymous said...

I would be very sad to see you go. But, I understand how busy life can be. Would you be opposed to leaving the blog up so you could keep us updated if you continue writing in another platform one day? Thank you for sharing your private life and thoughts with us.
