me and some of our compost (not all of the compost I've been shoveling is from our batch, but some of it is including this)
long week.
long, long week.
busy at work.
busy at home.
just so you all know, k has not bled for about 5 days. I hate to put it out there; it is like needing to knock on an all wooden ship from 1776, but here's to hoping the bright red liquid has eased off for good.
I took a half day thursday and a full day yesterday in order to get the garden beds a little more prepared. I rearranged my compost heap for maximum heat and space utilization. It was some back breaking work, but well worth it. I am attempting this eliot coleman, straw bale style compost. The back bin is for brown (on the left) and green (on the right) and the front right is my active pile. The front left is where I will layer the new pile. I am hoping the front right will be ready by July. It is tarped and I keep it nice and moist and turn it when I feel inclined. This pile contains a whole micro-world of goodness. I cannot express how much i love compost!
We adopted another chicken yesterday. Her name is Buffy (she is a Buff Orpington). Her sisters (10 of them) were all killed by a mink on the farm she lived at, so now she is trying to adapt to our flock of bitches. picture of buffy to come.
Yes, our chickens are mean little buggers. they have been pecking the hell out of buffy. Alas, yesterday night, we kept her separate in the mobile run i made last summer.
Hopefully, she will acclimate. She is beautiful and bigger than the bitches.
I dug up two new side beds where we took down three trees this spring in order for more sun to shine on our very shady space. I am loading them with compost.
I have compost envy. And yard work envy.
Tell those chickens to work out their shit and be nice to Buffy.
HA! I have compost envy, too. I bring my compost to a friends house, because our yard is so small and we rent. By the time I get my ass over there, the bottom of the bucket is steaming! What a lovely compound you have created! Blessings to you both!!!
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