Monday, July 28, 2008

sample platter of my summer

This summer has been beautiful. Work has been hard. trying to get pregnant has been tiring and interesting. friends have been abundant. the garden and yard have filled up many of my hours with joy. eating good, locally grown food has been delicious. Below is a taste of some of it.

today we took off work with a and r and went to the lake. this is the lake where we swam and floated and ate good food for hours and hours. there are no houses only woods and green herons and blue herons and fish and hawks and trees and cat tails.

t makes beautiful, delicious salads. r and t shared this one with us last week.

a cone flower from our garden.

more flowers from our garden.

delicious beets from t and r's garden and the farmers' market.

me after a long day's work in the yard.

beans and fennel growing in my garden.


Anonymous said...

You win.
That was lovely.
(Not win as if there's some sort of "winner", but just win because this is great.)

Anonymous said...

yeah you win! fantastic pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I love summers.

Anonymous said...

I'm all agog over that salad, if only my son and partner would let me put fruit on our salads!

I'm not sure, but is that a slice of grilled tofu in the background? Are YOU adept at making tofu? If so, maybe you could lead those-who-ruin-tofu-at-home down the right path?