Monday, January 19, 2009

red blood

Well. the blood has turned to red and there is more of it. talked to the nurse and the on-call midwife today. i have an appointment for wednesday at 8:00am. it is the first slot they had available. we are preparing for a let down and keeping a small bit of hope. it is hard to be balanced in a time like this.

we rented some movies and took tomorrow off of work in order to rest and keep ready for the possible onset of more blood and tissue.

i had my bloodwork today.

while i could go to the er, i'd rather ride this out at home in a space where i am comfortable and more peaceful.

just wanted to put the news out there. it is not all bad, but far from good.
i've been crying a lot. just weeping out of nowhere.
what a week for this to all come down. sunday is year seven for the loss of kk's mama. so k's emotions are already so fragile and wound in a tight cloak of loss and grief.

till the next time...


jessie said...

Staying hopeful... So sorry you're going through this.

Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of you. Rest up and keep the hope alive.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, not at all what you two need. Not what the world needs. It is so entirely possible it's nothing and everything, which is why it's so maddening. I'll be waiting here until you know more. You two are in my thoughts pretty often, and I don't even know you...just want you to know that there are folks out here in the big bad world rooting you and your little family on!

Anonymous said...

Oh no. How horridly sad and scary for you. Will be thinking the best.

Anonymous said...

Oh no. I am sending lots of love and positive vibes your way xxxx

Kirsten said...

thinking of you

Anonymous said...

Holding you both in my thoughts and hoping for the best. Much love xxx

myryah said...

My thoughts are with you two. xxx

Anonymous said...

All my love to you both. xo

Anonymous said...

I'm so so sorry and my thoughts are with you both.

Anonymous said...

Fuck. Please let me know if you need anything at all. Hang tight, y'all. All love.

Anonymous said...

Fuck. Please let me know if you need anything at all. Hang tight, y'all. All love.

Anonymous said...

Love, love love.


Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you guys and staying hopeful... I had lots of bleeding with my son, and it was always sub-chorionic bleeds, and not actually a problem...

I am keeping all of it crossed for you guys...